RelianceCore  1.4.0
Reliance Thermal Printer API
RelianceCore Documentation

RelianceCore API is a native C++ library for monitoring your Reliance Thermal Printer. This library support status checks and a number of configuration options.

Getting started requires 3 files:

  1. Place the DLL where your app can find it at run time
  2. Link the library during compilation time
  3. Include the header in your project

Sample usage:

#include <iostream>
#include <RelianceHID.hpp>
// Use namespace for brevity
using namespace reliancecore;
// Create an initialize your printer
RelianceHID printer;
auto result = printer.initialize();
// result holds the initialization success/error messages
std::cout << result.message.c_str() << std::endl;
// Check the status
result = printer.getStatus(&status);
// result holds the command success/error messages
std::cout << result.message.c_str() << std::endl;
// explore the status struct, this contains complete status

Please contact to request the right DLL version for your system.